When people think of dentistry, they think of the common procedures that are most familiar; like exams, filling cavities, or even cosmetic procedures like whitening. Anderson Dental also offers a number of specialized treatment options at their office in Davenport, IA, each designed for a specific component of your overall oral health.

Ask Anderson Dental about treatment when you experience any of the following:

  • . . . when your smile has gaps and crooked teeth:
    Braces are easier and more user-friendly than ever
    The latest in braces technology is Invisalign®, braces that are virtually invisible
  • . . . when your back teeth are especially prone to cavities:
    Sealants cover the chewing surface of teeth to keep out the plaque
  • . . . when a tooth is very seriously damaged:
    modern Root Canal techniques are designed to save natural tooth structure with procedures that keep you more comfortable than you ever thought possible
  • . . . when a tooth can’t be saved, or wisdom teeth need to be removed extractions can be done quickly and with little discomfort. There’s no need to worry with modern tooth removal
  • . . . for a variety of problems associated with your jaw joints you don’t have to live with the pain of jaw and TMJ problems – ask our specialists about all the latest treatment options


What is Invisalign®?

One of the latest and most exciting advances for patients with malocclusion (bad bite and/or crooked teeth) is Invisalign® and the other new clear aligners. Invisalign® is the brand name for a new kind of braces that are removable and practically invisible. It is actually a series of clear aligners that you wear like an athlete wears a mouthpiece. As the treatment progresses, your teeth gradually move to fit the aligner, and then you start wearing the next aligner. Dr. Anderson will design the treatment program so that by the time you are finished wearing the last aligner in the series, your teeth will have adjusted to the proper position.


What are sealants?

The chewing teeth toward the back of the mouth, the molars and pre-molars, have pits and fissures that can be difficult to clean. If plaque is not properly removed, it results in tooth decay. Sealants are a layer of composite plastic that Dr. Anderson can apply to your teeth to fill these pits and fissures to keep out the plaque. It’s like a suit of armor for your teeth! While often used for children, they are also beneficial for any adults who are struggling with tooth decay.

Root Canal

Why would someone need root canal treatment?

Some toothaches or gum pain are actually symptoms of an infection inside a tooth, called an abscess. Tooth decay and trauma can break through the hard outer layers of a tooth, exposing the inner tooth to bacteria and infection. If there is infection in the soft center of a tooth, it has to be stopped from spreading to the gums and the rest of the mouth. A spreading infection can cause damage to other teeth, your gums and jawbone, and even spread through your body. Root canal treatment removes the infection and saves the rest of the tooth.


A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth, a safe and routine procedure that is no cause for worry. If extraction is recommended Dr. Anderson will explain why this is the best course of action for the health of your mouth.

What is tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth, a safe and routine procedure that is no cause for worry. Sometimes it is referred to as “pulling teeth”. Dr. Anderson may perform the procedure right in his office, or under certain circumstances refer you to an oral surgeon.

TMJ problems

The term TMJ refers to a variety of conditions that affect the TMJ, the hinge that connects the jaw and the muscles one uses to chew. While usually temporary and recurring, these conditions can be painful. Dr. Anderson has treatments available that may give you relief from TMJ symptoms.

What does TMJ stand for?

TMJ literally refers to the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), which are the hinges that connect your lower jaw to your skull. The numerous disorders associated with the TMJ muscles are often referred to “TMJ” or as “TMD” (TMJ Disorders). TMD is not just one condition, but a group of painful disorders that affect the TMJ and the muscles one uses to chew.

What is TMD or TMJ Disorder?

TMD is not just one condition, but a group of painful disorders that affect the TMJs and the muscles one uses to chew. It affects more women than men, and is usually temporary or occasional, but a small percentage of sufferers have serious chronic problems.

Do I have a TMJ Disorder?

The following are symptoms of TMJ Disorders. Not everyone experiences all of these problems. If you experience some of them, speak to Dr. Anderson and have him perform a thorough examination.

  • Jaw pain, stiffness or soreness
  • Jaw pain while chewing, biting, or yawning
  • Painful or tender jaw joint
  • Difficulty opening and closing the mouth
  • Restricted range of jaw movement or “locking” of the jaw in an open or closed position
  • Painful clicking, popping, grinding or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth
  • Pain and fatigue when eating hard or chewy foods
  • Bruxism – grinding or clenching of teeth when awake or asleep
  • Earaches without an ear infection
  • Sensitive teeth and toothaches without evidence of dental problems
  • Teeth that break or crack without an apparent cause
  • Aching or radiating pain on the side of the head, face, neck and shoulders
  • A burning sensation in the mouth/tongue
  • Frequent unexplained headaches – sometimes diagnosed as migraines

What causes TMJ Disorders?

TMJ is not completely understood by the medical community, so research on causes and treatments continues. Some contributing factors may include:

  • Trauma – a sharp blow to the face, head, neck or jaw
  • Disease – osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout
  • Stress
  • Age and Gender – it most often affects women of child-bearing age
  • Bad oral habits – some believe TMJ can be caused or aggravated by activities that put the jaw in stressful positions, including tongue
    thrusting, mouth breathing, wide yawning, and nail, lip, or cheek biting
  • Habits and posture – cradling a telephone between your ear and shoulder, talking excessively, straining the shoulder with a heavy shoulder bag, and hunching forward to read
  • Medical procedures – oral procedures that unnaturally hold the jaw open or those requiring intubations
  • Bruxism – teeth clenching or grinding
  • Craniofacial underdevelopment

How can TMJ be treated?

Make sure to first discuss all your symptoms with Dr. Anderson and get a thorough examination. He will want to rule out other dental possibilities for your symptoms. There are a number of treatments available, ranging from simple and gentle to the more aggressive and permanent. It best to make simple adjustments first, like eating soft foods, and not chewing gum, and consider more complex or permanent solutions only if necessary. Discuss available options with Dr. Anderson.

Medical solutions to discuss with Dr. Anderson:

  • Craniofacial development (VIVOS TREATMENT)
  • Prescription anti-inflammatory medications or muscle relaxants
  • Mouth guards or splints – mouthpieces and special appliances designed to fit or adjust your bite
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Orthodontics
  • Jaw joint or disc replacement
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(563) 355-2010

(563) 355-2010

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