Common Dental Problems
These are just a few of the common dental issues we see at our office in the Quad Cities.
Abscessed tooth
An abscess is a painful condition caused by infection in a badly damaged or decayed tooth.
Halitosis or “bad breath” is a common, but embarrassing condition that often has a dental cause.
Tooth decay
Tooth decay is the process of a tooth’s mineral content being dissolved. A cavity, or caries, is the actual hole in a tooth that is caused by tooth decay.
Dry mouth
Dry mouth is caused by an inadequate supply of saliva. This is usually due to medication side effects, but may have other causes.
Fluorosis is a defect in tooth enamel caused by excessive fluoride in young children. It typically looks like white streaks or spots in teeth.
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that is usually caused by plaque. It is the earliest and most easily treated form of gum disease, as it only affects the gums, but it must be treated to avoid more serious gum disease.
Most problems with the jaw come from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the muscles that help you chew. Dr. Anderson has treatments that can ease this pain and discomfort.
Gum disease
Periodontitis is advanced gum disease. While gingivitis, the earlier stage, affects only the gums, periodontitis is infection that has spread to surrounding tissue, including tooth and bone.
Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that coats teeth. When we eat, plaque reacts with the food in our mouth and releases acids that eat away at teeth enamel, causing tooth decay.
Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth Sensitivity is a very common problem that can be treated effectively by Dr. Anderson with different products and techniques. It occurs when gums have receded or tooth enamel is worn down to reveal the sensitive parts of the tooth.
Bruxism is either the clenching or grinding of teeth, or both of them together. Dr. Anderson will often recommend a mouth appliance to prevent damage to your teeth, and stress reduction to change the behavior.
There are many possible causes for a toothache. Two of the most common dental causes are the presence of a cavity or an abscess. Some of the other causes of toothache are quite serious, so you should certainly consult Dr. Anderson for a proper diagnosis.